Legal Technology – The Legal Assistant Legal Case Management Software - Delivered Tue, 10 Sep 2019 20:39:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Legal Technology – The Legal Assistant 32 32 Paralegals v. Artificial Intelligence – Friend or Foe? Tue, 10 Sep 2019 20:39:59 +0000 The Paralegal v2.0 As technology progresses, so does our fear of being replaced by artificial intelligence (A.I.).  A.I. has already […]

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The Paralegal v2.0

As technology progresses, so does our fear of being replaced by artificial intelligence (A.I.).  A.I. has already made its presence known in the legal field igniting worry about our job security.  The topic of Attorneys and paralegals v. Artificial Intelligence is hitting the headlines with ever-increasing presence. 

Even with the new wave of A.I. pouring into the legal industry, it does not necessarily mean that paralegals will ever become obsolete. While A.I. is by some, portrayed as an enemy, it also brings something of value to the legal field.  

There may be some firms that eliminate receptionist roles to cut down on costs. A paralegal serves a more substantial purpose and is likely to maintain employment. New advances in technology such as automation and A.I., can turn a month-long task that would typically require multiple attorneys and paralegals to sort through into a more efficient mode of productivity. A.I. could be a friend rather than a foe of paralegals. 

Comparing Apples to Oranges 

There is a common misconception between A.I. and regular computer automation, and the two terms are commonly used interchangeably. While the two may share a few similarities, they are quite different. A.I. consists of advanced computing algorithms that aim to simulate thought patterns of humans, ultimately to make autonomous decisions. Conversely, automation is software designed to follow a set of pre-programmed rules or commands, which is really, all software ever has been since the first computer program was written.

artificial intelligence and automation are not the same illustrationThe distinction between Artificial Intelligence and Automation 

Automation is already omnipresent and works to expedites several administrative tasks and automate filing systems. It is appealing to most firms because it is cost-effective and efficient. In a law firm, it is typically used to organizes emails, produce legal documents, regulate billing, and much more.

Automation allows more time for paralegals and attorneys to dedicate time to more advanced legal work. Automation provides a legal team the freedom to meet face-to-face with clients and ensure more client interaction that is sure to boost client satisfaction.

So, automation offers a single purpose: the software performs the mundane, repetitious tasks. 

While automation may seem like A.I., it is not. The critical difference is that automation is embedded with manual configuration. It establishes workflows and formulas. It is software that can follow orders. This may somewhat put some jobs in jeopardy because it can quickly perform tasks faster than a human, and it is at times more reliable. For example, if an employee calls in sick, the automation software can continue the processes it is programmed to do without missing a beat. 

Paralegals always desire to work smarter and not harder. Automation through the use of legal practice management software can turn the average paralegal into the new and improved “Paralegal v2.0.” It expedites several administrative tasks and automates filing systems. Many law firms have already implemented a web chat feature on their websites. That addresses the routine questions and offers a quick response instead of the calls that may flood in to ask repetitive questions and eliminates phone interruptions overall. 

Interruptions can be disastrous and end up costing a law firm several thousand dollars per year. A Professor from UC Irvine presented research findings that it takes an average of twenty-three minutes for an employee to refer back to a task after an interruption. There will always be interruptions in the workplace, especially for a paralegal who multi-task on a daily basis. 

Paralegals often are the main point of contact for clients; they draft and edit legal documents, complete administrative tasks, and run errands as needed. The shorter answer to what does a paralegal do is what doesn’t a paralegal do.  Studies show that with each interruption, it takes on average twenty-three minutes to get back on task. For example, if there are ten interruptions a day, that could result in almost four hours of lost time a day out of an average eight-hour workday.

After all the math, that equals one thousand forty wasted hours per year. Therefore, it is incredibly beneficial and cost-effective to eliminate as many interruptions as possible.

Automation paired with A.I. allows paralegals to reduce interruptions and delegate tasks to learned A.I. which can brush through “interruptions” like no other. 

iParalegal – Artificial Intelligence 

A.I. is the technology that is designed to mimic what a human may think, say, or do. Unlike automation, which follows a strict predefined set of rules and orders, A.I. is constructed to learn from experiences and seek patterns and form the ability to enact the proper response. Like humans, they learn by repetition what the appropriate response is and is not. 

A.I. is extremely intimidating because it is basically a replica of you or me. No need to fret, just like us humans, A.I. has its myriad of flaws. While it is not restricted by rules, it accelerates its ability to learn quickly, but it is doing so without context. It has been compared to teaching a baby to do a paralegals job, which is quite cute, but not practical. 

The ABA published an article in 2017, introducing a paralegal robot that reviews patent documents. The company which developed the robot implemented A.I. to generate patent claims. The report produces a marked-up word document to address potential errors or concerns.

However, this does not mean it is a “paralegal or attorney replacement.” James Billmaier, the chief executive officer of the software, states, “[w]hat artificial technology is doing to a lot of repeatable functions, we’re just applying to a very large vertical. The attorney is still fundamental at working with the inventor and grabbing the idea.

The machine is better at creating and protecting the application.” He believes that A.I. is an impending need for law firms within the next five years, or they will appear “way behind the curve.” 

Other adoptions of A.I. in legal technology include using A.I. to automate the process of document review, the analysis of legal contracts and to perform due diligence checks in contract review, for example, electronic discovery and other areas of legal research.

law firm chat bot illustrationHuman Paralegal vs. Paralegal Bot

The legal profession has and always will be client-driven and an immensely sensitive area. A.I. cannot replace compassion and genuine communication. Most people seek attorneys in times of stressful circumstances. In such personal matters, a paralegal or legal assistant, or attorney communication is necessary. If a client is calling about a murder charge or a divorced issue – human interaction is essential.

There are some non-threatening ways A.I. can effectively assist in client interaction. For example, if you have a Spanish speaking client and you speak English, right off the bat, there is a troublesome language barrier. However, with A.I. chat software, what the potential client types in Spanish can be translated and received by you in English and vice-versa.

This mode of A.I. produces real-time interaction and expands your clientele. This example illustrates that in some situations, it is a more practical conduit to have A.I. in, and it is a conversation that is not ruled out from a lack of fluency. 

Paralegal Advancement 

The use of new technology can place a paralegal in a better-suited position for career advancement. Paralegals become readily available to conduct more advanced research, meet with clients, and interact more closely with attorneys and assist with case strategy. It is not too uncommon for an attorney to bring a paralegal to court because the paralegal has spent hours on the case and is familiar with the specific facts. This provides an attorney with an additional resource to utilize in court. 

The more time a paralegal has to focus on law-related issues, the more likely they are to advance and refine their legal skillset. It opens the door to a higher salary and overall career advancement. It will also increase client satisfaction if the paralegal or any member of the legal staff is readily available to address their needs expeditiously. 

Match Made in Heaven?

Automation and A.I. seem to complement each other. While automation software collects data, A.I. is designed to understand it through machine learning. According to an article published by Interesting Engineering, ” A.I. applications which are developed by using data make similar inferences by looking at the millions of cases in the past while giving a higher performance compared to the success of a group of human lawyers.” A.I. enables paralegals and attorneys to regain lost time.

Some ethical dilemmas are surrounding the implementation of A.I. in the legal industry. The concerns are if A.I. would have the ability to ‘think’ subjectively like humans. If not, it could open the door to prejudices and lead to wrong suggestions and incorrect decisions. A.I. is not yet able to ascertain social conflicts. 


Humans and A.I. can collaborate instead of competing against each other to have a more desirable outcome for all parties involved. As legal software for paralegals changes, we must learn to adapt. Paralegals are accustomed to adapting to constant changes within the industry. A.I. will allow paralegals to become more cultivated and grow their knowledge of the law and its many processes. 

A.I. cannot replace face-to-face contact, and a robot cannot argue a case in front of a robot judge. A.I. opens the door to career advancement and new possibilities to become experts in A.I. and managing the processes.  The key is to adapt and embrace the change A.I. brings into the legal industry.  Become an expert on both automation and A.I. and educate yourself on how the adoption of both automation, A.I. and certain A.I. technologies could not only benefit you but your firm as well. 

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Top law podcasts by lawyers for lawyers in 2019 Wed, 17 Jul 2019 09:19:18 +0000 The post Top law podcasts by lawyers for lawyers in 2019 appeared first on The Legal Assistant.


First, what is a podcast?

In case you’ve never heard of a ‘podcast’ let me very quickly explain what it is and why you should be listening to them if you’re not already.

Podcasts are mostly audio(sometimes video), regularly released episodes covering specific topics.  In reality they should be known as ‘Netcasts’ as they are generically audio episodes ‘cast’ over the internet,  however, Apple coined the term very early as the majority of listeners used their iPods to listen to them.  

Their popularity soon grew and now you can find podcasts for most topics imaginable.   When you subscribe to a podcast, new episodes will be automatically downloaded to your mobile, tablet or any other device using either Apple Podcasts(iTunes) or Spotify allowing you listen to the episode wherever you like, whether that’s in the car while driving to court, commuting to the office, or at the gym.    

Why should you listen to legal podcasts?

Wouldn’t any lawyer welcome some free motivational advice on law practice management to discover new ways to run their law firm more efficiently?  Wouldn’t you want to hear advice directly from the go-getters and the legal industry’s renowned leading expertise? There are minefields of information on legal issues out there and it can be overwhelming to figure out who has the right information that may work for you and your practice. 

The best way to succeed as a lawyer is to surround yourself with like-minded people who can guide you on the best practices and give advice on new trends and legal news that is out there. 

In this post, we have compiled what we believe to be the best tried and tested law podcasts produced by lawyers and respected authorities in law and legal technology. These 10 podcasts are produced for people like you who are known in their field, and what better way is there to find out how they made it than by listening to their secrets and methods to run a successful law firm. 

Let’s hope it will fuel your mind with ideas and motivation to make the best of what you are good at!  

Neil Tyra The Law Entrepreneur Podcast Logo

Behind The Law Entrepreneur is Neil Tyra is an attorney based in Montgomery County, Maryland. His podcasts consist of law mixed with entrepreneurship where he gives insights on how to create and manage a successful law firm in this modern-day and age.

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Un-Billable Hour Podcast Logo

The Un-Billable Hour is a law practice advisory podcast authored by Christopher T. Anderson. Not only that he talks about managing your law practice, but he also touches upon marketing, attracting clients, time management and all things outside of your clients’ responsibilities that you need to do.

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Evolve The Law Podcast Logo

Evolve the Law (ETL) is a community dedicated to shaping the future of law practice. ETL connects lawyers, entrepreneurs, academics, technologists, and key industry stakeholders to accelerate growth, adoption, and implementation of technology and innovation.

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The Real Estate Law Podcast Logo

Join hosts Jason Muth and Attorney / Broker Rory Gill for an entertaining and informative conversation about how and where the worlds of real estate and law intersect.

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The Gen Y Lawyer Podcast Logo

Nicole Abboud is the Founder of Abboud Media, a social media and content marketing consulting agency. She is a former practicing attorney and host of The Gen Why Lawyer Podcast, a show dedicated to showcasing the Gen Y lawyers who are taking a chance on themselves and practicing law on their terms.

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The Personal Injury Law Podcast Logo

The goal of the personal injury law podcast is to provide people who are learning about personal injury law, information about the legal process in general, and specifically, personal injury claims, defenses and tactics. My goal with this podcast is to give the listener a view from the inside.

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Legal Toolkit Podcast Logo

Hosted by Jared Correia, The Legal Toolkit is a comprehensive resource for professionals in law practice management. Each month, he invites forward-thinking lawyers to discuss the services, ideas, and programs that have improved their practices.

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New Solo Podcast Logo

New Solo podcast covers a wide range of topics including transitioning from a law firm to a solo practice, law practice management, networking, job searching, technology, and much more. The host Adriana Linares’ goal is to answer the questions that arise throughout all phases of a solo career, providing an opportunity to continue learning and improving best practices. Guests include lawyers and relevant professionals within the industry.

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Thinking Like A Lawyer Podcast Logo

Thinking Like A Lawyer is a podcast featuring Above the Law’s Elie Mystal and Joe Patrice. Each episode, the hosts will take a topic experienced and enjoyed by regular people, and shine it through the prism of a legal framework. This will either reveal an awesome rainbow of thought, or a disorienting kaleidoscope of issues.

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Lunch Hour Legal Podcast logo

Hosted by digital marketers Gyi Tsakalakis and Kelly Street, Lunch Hour Legal Marketing is jam-packed with tips and tricks for attracting more clients and business to your legal practice. Tune in monthly for expert advice to turbocharge your firm’s efficiency.

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Good 2B Social podcast logo

Legal industry leaders and hosts Guy Alvarez and Tim Baran share deep insights and fresh perspectives on the latest legal marketing trends and strategies, with actionable takeaways for lawyers and marketing professionals at law firms and legal technology companies.

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law next podcast logo

LawNext is a weekly podcast hosted by Bob Ambrogi, who is internationally known for his writing and speaking on legal technology and innovation. Each week, Bob interviews the innovators and entrepreneurs who are driving what’s next in the legal industry. From legal technology startups to new law firm business models to enhancing access to justice, Bob and his guests explore the future of law and legal practice.

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Please let us know if you host a legal podcast and we’ve upset you by not featuring you in this list, it’s most likely nothing personal and we may just have missed you.

Likewise, if there are any other law-related podcasts you listen to that we’ve missed and you think we should have featured above, please let us know in the comments box below.

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